Freelance Design Director

The Show After Dark

Creative campaign work for the 2022 Show After Dark. As part of the Melbourne Show entertainment offering, the Show partnered with Live Nation to introduce a festival-style program which featured nightly music acts, supporting entertainment and food and drink stalls.

I worked as a creative team with the fabulous Matt O’ Brien, myself as design director, Matt as art director. Our challenge was to create a branded campaign that appealed to 18-25 year olds, an audience group not targeted by the family and children oriented messaging of the Show campaign. We knew visually this campaign needed to set itself apart from the main show look to appeal to this new audience group.

We targeted festival-goers and music lovers primarily through digital and social channels as well as street posters, music-focused publications such as Beat and Forte Magazine and local bar activations.

The result: the inaugural year of The Show After Dark was a resounding success, with a great take-up, and very healthy attendances.